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    Children First Summary Report

    Children First Summary Report

    SUMMARY REPORT OF Children First Compliance report 2019/2020 

    The Adoption Authority’s Children First procedures are detailed in the Authority’s Child Safeguarding Statement. This has been updated in accordance with The Children First Act 2015 and The Children First National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017. A Risk Assessment and Child Safeguarding Statement form part of the child protection procedures in the Adoption Authority.

    An annual Child Protection compliance report is sent to the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Adoption Policy Unit.

    The Adoption Authority of Ireland does not provide direct services to children so there is limited contact with children, and children are supervised at all times by their parent or carer when in the Authority’s offices. It is policy within the organisation that staff, including Board members, Executive Staff, in house Solicitor and Medical Advisor also have access to confidential information about children, undergo regular Garda vetting. Child protection issues are routed through the Children First Designated Liaison Person to the appropriate Tusla personnel.

    Child protection concerns can come to the notice of the Authority through the mediation and counselling provided for the National Adoption Contact Preference Register; through reviews of assessments for adoption; or can be received through duty calls, letters and emails.

    Adoption service providers accredited by the AAI have written policies and procedures on Children First guidelines and these policies are noted to be current at review and accreditation times.

    The agencies currently holding a valid accreditation are: Pact, HHAMA, St. Brigid’s and Barnardos

    The Adoption Authority Children First Designated Liaison Person details:

    Katie Harrigan, Senior Social Work Practitioner, AAI, tel 01 2309 318, email Tá an seoladh ríomhphoist seo á chosaint ó róbait thurscair. Tá ort JavaScript a chumasú le hamharc air.

    The Children First Deputy Designated Liaison Person is Nicole Scannell, Social Work Team Leader, AAI tel 01 2309 322, email Tá an seoladh ríomhphoist seo á chosaint ó róbait thurscair. Tá ort JavaScript a chumasú le hamharc air.

    Functions of the Children First Designated Liaison Person are also undertaken by Social Workers on in the organisation during specified times, Monday to Friday. Under the Children First Act 2015, all social workers and the Medical Advisor at the Authority, are Mandated Persons for the purposes of reporting issues of child protection above a certain threshold to relevant Tusla personnel.

    All Authority Board members and executive staff who have access to confidential information about children, are Garda vetted every 2 years. New staff members are vetted on entry to the Authority every 2 years. New vetting policy and procedures are being carried out in compliance with the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016.

    The Garda Vetting Officer in the AAI is Fiona Monaghan, Head of Compliance and Resources. Contact details are Fiona Monaghan, Head of Compliance and Resources, tel 01 2309 347, email Tá an seoladh ríomhphoist seo á chosaint ó róbait thurscair. Tá ort JavaScript a chumasú le hamharc air.

    The Children First Compliance report summarises the number and type of calls to the social work phone line covering a one-year period (1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020.)


    Ráiteas Misin

    "Chun soláthar seirbhísí bainteacha le h-uchtú den chaighdeán is airde is féidir a chinntiú, ar feadh phróiseas shaol an uchtaithe, le leas is fearr an pháiste mar chéad chuspóir agus mar chuspóir sáraitheach."