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    Declarations of Eligibility and Suitability - New rules

    Declarations of Eligibility and Suitability - New rules

    New rules are in place about applying for, granting and removing declarations of eligibility and suitability. These rules came in effect on 1 January 2018.

    A Plain English guide to these rules can be found here.

    This document is in seven parts:

    1. Assessing an applicant for a declaration of eligibility and suitability
    2. Issuing a declaration
    3. Refusing to issue a declaration
    4. Reconsidering a declaration
    5. Holding an oral hearing
    6. Conducting a hearing
    7. Considering the best interests of the child

    Ráiteas Misin

    "Chun soláthar seirbhísí bainteacha le h-uchtú den chaighdeán is airde is féidir a chinntiú, ar feadh phróiseas shaol an uchtaithe, le leas is fearr an pháiste mar chéad chuspóir agus mar chuspóir sáraitheach."

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