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    Statement Regarding the Closure of Cúnamh

    Statement Regarding the Closure of Cúnamh

    Cunamh logo

    Statement Regarding the Closure of Cúnamh

    Cúnamh has been closely following the proposed Adoption (Information and Tracing) Bill, 2016.  Despite making repeated representations to the Minister for Children & Youth Affairs and to other legislators, we have not been successful in effecting any change to allow this organisation to continue providing services once the legislation is enacted.

    The Board of Cúnamh has made the decision that Cúnamh’s Adoption Services will close on the 31st December 2019. It is with considerable regret that Cúnamh has made this decision and is doing so in view of the intention of the proposed legislative changes to vest all future legal rights and responsibilities for information and trace services solely in State Agencies.  We believe the decision, which will ensure a planned closure of our service, is in the best interest of our service users.

    Until then Cúnamh will continue to provide an information and trace service, in line with our accreditation under Section 4(k) of the Adoption Act 2010, to our existing service users and to persons who have already requested a service.  A limited service will be provided to new applicants.

    Any enquires regarding the above should be directed solely to Cúnamh and please do contact us if you have any concerns or queries.


    Ráiteas Misin

    "Chun soláthar seirbhísí bainteacha le h-uchtú den chaighdeán is airde is féidir a chinntiú, ar feadh phróiseas shaol an uchtaithe, le leas is fearr an pháiste mar chéad chuspóir agus mar chuspóir sáraitheach."

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