Adoption Orders
All applications for adoption orders are made to the Adoption Authority of Ireland. The Board of the Adoption Authority may grant or refuse to grant applications for adoption orders in relation to Irish adoptions.
What is an adoption order?
An adoption order secures in law the position of the child in the adoptive family. On the making of the adoption order the birth parent(s) lose(s) all legal rights over the child and are freed from all duties. These rights and duties are transferred to the adoptive parent(s). The child is regarded in law as the child of the adoptive parent(s) as if he or she were born to them. An adoption order is a legally binding document. Legal adoption is permanent.
In the event that the adoptive parents get divorced, adoption orders place the same responsibilities on the parents for the adopted child as if he or she was a child of their marriage.
Applying for an Adoption Order
An application must be made in writing to the Adoption Authority of Ireland. The appropriate form to make the application is called Form A1 Application for Adoption.
Before an application for an adoption can be processed, the applicant(s) must have a valid Declaration of Eligibility and Suitability. Where the application for adoption relates to the adoption of a child by step-parents, relatives or foster parents, the Form A1 is generally completed at the same time as the application for the Declaration of Eligibility and Suitability. The Form A1 will be provided to you by the social worker in Tusla – Child and Family Agency or the accredited body PACT who carries out the assessment for the Declaration of Eligibility and Suitability.
Adoption Order Hearings
When the adoption application has been processed and all of the required documentation is in order (for example parental consents or court orders) the Adoption Authority will write to the applicant(s) inviting them to attend an adoption order hearing before the Board of the Adoption Authority. The letter will indicate the time, date and venue for the adoption hearing with a minimum of 7 – 10 working days’ notice.
On the day of the adoption order hearing, the adoptive parent(s) and the child to be adopted must attend. It is open to the family to bring along other family members (siblings, grandparents etc.) if they so wish.
Members of the Board of the Adoption Authority and members of the executive of the Adoption Authority will be at the hearing. The number can vary but there are usually 8-10 people in the room.
Adoption hearings usually last between 5 to 10 minutes. While the hearing is brief, and the Adoption Authority endeavours to keep it as informal as possible, particularly for children, it is a very important legal event.
A member of the Board will speak to the family before they are brought into the hearing to confirm that everyone who needs to be there is present and to double check the full name that the child will be using once the order is made.
When the family come into the Boardroom the child and other family members will be asked to take a seat, and the adoptive parent(s) will be sworn in by one of the Board members. This can be done by swearing on the Bible, the Old Testament, the Koran or by making a solemn declaration. They will then sit with the child.
The Chair of the Board will welcome the family and explain the procedure.
The Registrar will ask the adoptive parent(s) to verify their identity and eligibility through a series of short questions based on information provided in the Form A1 Application for Adoption.
If the child is of an age (usually over 7 years old) the Chair will ask them to confirm that they are happy for the adoption to proceed.
The adoptive parents and the child (if old enough) will be asked to sign their names.
The Chair will then ask the adoptive parent(s) to confirm that they understand their responsibility in relation to the child on the making of the adoption order.
The adoption order is then granted.
Child’s name on the making of an adoption order
Before the adoption order hearing, applicants are asked to complete a form indicating the name that will go on the adoption order for the child. This can be changed at the adoption order hearing but it is preferable for this to have been discussed and agreed beforehand.
The name that goes on the adoption order for the child is their legal name from that date onwards.
After the Adoption Order Hearing
A letter is given to the parents which confirms that the adoption order has been made and provides them with information about how to get an adoption certificate for the child.
The original birth certificate for the child is no longer a valid document for identification purposes. In all instances where a birth certificate is required for official purposes the adopted person should provide a copy of their adoption certificate.
After the adoption order is made, the details for the entry in the Adopted Children's Register are sent by the Adoption Authority to the General Register Office. The child’s original birth certificate remains on the Register and is unaltered.
If you need copies of an adoption certificate you should contact:
General Register Office,
Government Buildings,
Convent Road,
Roscommon F42 VX53
Tel: 090 6632999
LoCall: 1890 252076
The Adoption Authority does not issue certificates.
The Board of the Adoption Authority may grant or refuse to grant applications for adoption orders in relation to Irish adoptions.

Adoption Hearings
Rules for hearings on adoption applications and applications to the High Court under section 30 and 54 of the Adoption Acts 2010 to 2017
The Adoption Authority of Ireland was established as an independent regulatory body on 1 November 2010 following the enactment of the Adoption Act 2010.
The mission of the Adoption Authority is to make sure that adoption-related services meet the highest standards throughout the entire adoption process. In all activities, the best interests of children come first.
These rules support this mission. We will use these rules from 22 November 2021.
These rules are set out in the Acts. They are not a legal interpretation of the Acts.
Throughout the adoption process, the Adoption Authority is permitted by law to request information in writing and documentation from any relevant person or organisation. When it makes a request, the Adoption Authority must clearly say what information or documentation is required and what it will be used for.
The remainder of this document is divided into seven parts:
- Holding a hearing
- Consulting relevant non-guardians
- Notifying a person whose consent is needed
- Making an adoption order when High Court Authorisation is not required
- The Authority shall not make an Adoption Order unless the Applicant (or Applicants) is an eligible Applicant under the Act.
- Making an adoption order when required consent is not available
- Completing an adoption order and considering change in relevant circumstances
Click here for downloadable document
Rules for hearings on adoption applications are explained here.