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    Freedom of Information

    The Freedom of Information Act 2014 gives you access, on request, to certain records held by the Authority.

    The Adoption Authority of Ireland is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 - 2014 with effect from 21 April 2015.

    Section 2 of the Freedom of Information Act 2014 states that the 'effective date' for an agency like the Adoption Authority of Ireland shall be 21 April 2008, that is, the Act shall only apply to records created by the Authority after 21 April 2008.

    Furthermore, the 2014 Act designates the Adoption Authority of Ireland as a ‘Partially Included Agency’. This means that the Acts do not apply to ‘records concerning, or arising from, the making of an adoption order or in the recognition of an intercountry adoption effected outside the State, within the meaning of the Adoption Act 2010'.

    Generally speaking, this means that the Acts do not apply to individual adoption records but that they do apply to all other records relating to the activities of the Authority and the former Adoption Board from 21 April 2008 onwards. If you wish to make an application for personal data (excluding records relating to the granting of an adoption order) please complete this form and send to either foi@aai.gov.ie or to the postal address below.

    The Adoption Authority of Ireland publishes a list of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests received. You can access the list below.

    Contact Details:

    • Freedom of Information Officer
    • Adoption Authority of Ireland
    • Shelbourne House
    • Ballsbridge
    • DUBLIN
    • DO4 H6F6

    Email: foi@aai.gov.ie

    Disclosure Logs

    Mission Statement

    " To ensure the provision of the highest possible standards of adoption related services, throughout the lifelong adoption process, with the best interests of children as the first and paramount objective."

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