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    HHAMA notice in relation to travel & COVID-19

    HHAMA notice in relation to travel & COVID-19

    HHAMA is continuing to monitor the current situation in relation to COVID-19.

    As of 18 March 2020, no travel is to be undertaken to any jurisdiction / country to effect an intercountry adoption.

    The decision has been made in conjunction with the Adoption Authority, and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs has been informed. 

    In relation to document and dossier submissions; several of the sending authorities have closed their offices and so we continue to monitor document status in HHAMA and email scans where practical. This is a matter we continue to monitor in relation to courier services and sending countries' ability to receive packages. 


    Mission Statement

    " To ensure the provision of the highest possible standards of adoption related services, throughout the lifelong adoption process, with the best interests of children as the first and paramount objective."