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    Responding to Anxiety in Childhood with Mr. Peadar Maxwell, Chartered Psychologist

    Responding to Anxiety in Childhood with Mr. Peadar Maxwell, Chartered Psychologist

    Responding to Anxiety in Childhood with Mr. Peadar Maxwell, Chartered Psychologist


    Saturday, 14th October 2017, 10.00 – 1:00 p.m.

    Clayton Hotel Dublin Airport (https://www.claytonhoteldublinairport.com/)


    Peadar Maxwell asks the question ‘What is anxiety?’


    The workshop will explore the mind and body's response to fear and anxiety.  Peadar will look at the importance of how a Parent’s approach to evaluating anxiety and the ways we respond to anxiety can protect and nourish a child's attachment and confidence.


    This workshop was run in Athlone earlier this year and feedback was phenomenal, with attendees taking away a lot of invaluable information and tips.


    This workshop is limited to 40 attendees.  Pre-booking with payment required.

    Click here to purchase a ticket(s):  https://iaaireland.net/wordpress/?p=727


    Upcoming Events:

    5th October -  “Conversations -Talking about Adoption at School”,  discussion with SEN Primary School Teacher & An Adoptive Parent

    8th October – Barnstorm Progress Workshop & Social for previous ICA Youth participants

    14th October – “Understanding & Responding to Anxiety in Children” with Peadar Maxwell

    25th October – “Social Media & Safety Online”,  A talk for Parents with Cybersafe Ireland

    4th November – “The Adopted Child in School” with Sheila Lavery, Tessa NI

    18th November – National Conference “Inside Out – Identity in Adoption”


    Booking for all our events available at www.iaaireland.org


    Mission Statement

    " To ensure the provision of the highest possible standards of adoption related services, throughout the lifelong adoption process, with the best interests of children as the first and paramount objective."

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